“Speaking English creates more opportunities” - Daniel - Senior Treasury Accountant - Madrid

Daniel is a Madrid-based accountant, originally from Barcelona. He has been learning English for many years, and even spent a short time learning English in London. Here, he shares with us his English learning journey, along with his advice for English learners.

When did you start learning English?

I started learning English at school, I think it was mandatory to learn English about 12 years old. From that point, I haven’t stopped learning! Of course, the level of intensity has changed over the years. When you are younger, you don’t understand how important it is to learn English, as you get older, you realise the importance of learning English. English will help you over you over your career. I later took further courses in English as I got older to improve.

Why do you think Business English is important for international professionals to learn?

I remember back in university, teachers used to say that it was important to learn English. At that time, it was quite important. When you’re studying towards a degree, especially when related to business, it is likely that businesses will ask for people who can speak English. It creates more opportunities. It is a skill that is in demand. It is now a given that people should speak English when applying to jobs.

How has speaking English helped you in your career?

When your CV states that you have a certain level of English, it helps! It is often a prerequisite when applying to a job. I need to have a decent level of English, as I have to use it often to communicate with colleagues abroad. When you work for an international company, it is important to have the English skills to be able to have calls, write emails and communicate effectively.

What advice would you give to people learning Business English?

For me, I just immersed myself in the language. It isn’t always easy, but the more you embrace English in lots of parts of your life, the better. Read articles, watch TV, speak with people. Of course, life can be busy, but aim for consistency where possible. Even if just a few minutes a day, it will be important in order to improve. Enjoy the process!


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