Ezra Shemayo - MCP Tanzania

As MCP of AIESEC Tanzania, Ezra has leads the National AIESEC team of Tanzania. We are excited to be working closely with Ezra and team.

Here, he shares with us his fascinating AIESEC journey so far.

Please tell us about your AIESEC experience.

Well, I joined AIESEC in 2019 in my second year at University. It was my dream to work with an

international organisation and act on Sustainable Development Goals because the area where I

grew up was famous for refugee camps of asylum seekers from Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. I used

to see all the good and bad sides. Joining AIESEC was the best decision I will never regret in my life.

I started as a Member, then Team Leader of exchange, then Local Vice President of Exchange, then

Local Chapter President, then National Vice President of exchange for 2 terms, and now I am the

President of AIESEC in Tanzania.

Also, I have been in 5+ Organizing Committees, Managed 1 National Program operated in 7

regions, and attended 3 International Conferences and 10+ National Conferences, but AIESEC

experience can't be complete without exchange for sure; I went on exchange for 6 weeks in


What impact has AIESEC had on you?

AIESEC created Ezra you see now.

I was an un-serious guy, shameful, quiet, disorganized who didn't even know why he was living, actually, it’s had to tell for sure. AIESEC is my second family; AIESEC shaped me and made me realize who I am and why I am living; through AIESEC, I discovered my life purpose, which guides me every day in whatever I am doing.

What is the advantage of being part of a Global Network like AIESEC?

You become a Global Citizen from your mind to your network, behaviours and sometimes living

style, which is good.

What is your advice to new AIESECers and anyone considering going on Exchange?

In 2019, I went on an exchange in Uganda. It’s a sweet experience which can give you what you

want from it. It’s major sweetness is working with new people with different behaviours,

understanding, cultures and backgrounds out of your home country. Can you imagine how it is? At

the end of your experience, you will find yourself with long-lasting connection, improving how you

perceive things and how you treat, act and interact with people without infringing their


Generally speaking, AIESEC can make you who you want to be, AIESEC can give you what you

want. It is a matter of HOW, consistency and patience. It's good being an AIESECer, but not easy.


Mahathir Mahat - Indonesia