A Truly Impressive Collection

The Museum has been home to some incredible artefacts over the centuries, and one of the most significant was part of Ashmole’s original collection: the stuffed remains of the last ever dodo to be seen in Europe before becoming extinct. Today, what’s left of these remains at the Ashmolean, is all that exists in the world.

Numerous pieces from some of history’s most infamous artists can also be found in the Museum. These artists include Michaelangelo, JMW Turner, Cezanne, and Leonardo Da Vinci. There are also a range of examples of Roman gold-glass discovered from the catacombs (underground burial places) of Rome, and the Parian Marble, the earliest known example of a Greek chronological table.

Another well known highlight is the lantern belonging to Guy Fawkes, who is famous for plotting to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605.


A First Of Many


An Oxford ‘Must-See’