Lemon Fung - University of West of England

Originally from Hong Kong, Lemon Fung is studying Occupational Therapy at the University of West of England, Bristol. Here, he shares his experience with us.

Can you tell us about yourself and what made you decide to study in the UK?

Studying aboard has been my dream since I was younger. The UK has a strong cultural and historical heritage which has been fun to explore and the university and local community has been very welcoming since I have arrived. I worked very hard as a social worker in Hong Kong for several years to fund my own studies, and I would say it's definitely been worth coming to study in the UK.

Can you tell us a bit about your experience so far?

I only arrived in the UK a short while ago but the university and the student union have provided tons of support. From orientations to sports activities, I have been given tons of opportunities to establish my network and meet new people. That's very important for me, we are new to the UK and networking is our first priority. I am glad that both my mental, physical wellness and networking are all being considered by the institutions when they are working with us.

What were the challenges?

Language and accents are definitely the major challenges. Because of how welcoming people have been since we have arrived, there aren't many cultural differences that I have noticed, but as English is not my mother tongue, using English frequently in life is still a challenge, especially when discussions at school are happening. The experience here would definitely be improved If international students were able to understand all of the complexities of different accents. You would get to know others more and immerse yourself in the environment really smoothly.

Any funny stories?

Eating out in the UK is very expensive by Asian standards, I am not a good chef so I am definitely having a taste of my own medicine. If anyone out there is an outstanding chef who can cook for me, get in contact with me!

Do you have any advice for others studying abroad for the first time?

Be open-minded, get involved and be willing to participate. There are not as many hidden norms in the UK as there are in Asia, being energetic and proactive are good traits here. Think clearly about what you want the most out of the precious opportunity and make use of it as much as you can. My personal opinion is to get involved in some sports too that aren't that common in Asia like tennis, rugby, cricket, those are really fun!! Also, spend time to work on your English before and after you arrive as being able to talk to all of your teammates, classmates, and tutors makes it easier to connect with them and as a result, you will have more opportunities and enjoy yourself more!

Do you think English is important for International Students? If so, why? 

Yes 100%! It's a basic skill in the UK. Even if your work does not consist of lots of speaking, small talk is such a big part of British culture and locals speak very quickly with all kinds of accents so working on your listening and speaking is very important. Also developing your English will make you more aware of different contexts and will give you opportunities to meet new people. I promise that you will have a lot of fun as long as you are proactive and you have worked on your language skills before coming!