An Overview of English for Science

Science is a broad discipline. From medicine, to scientific research, to new inventions in science tech, it is thought that there are 8.8 million scientists worldwide.

Science has long been a discipline with excellent professional opportunities. Scientists throughout history have been responsible for enabling us to understand not only the world around us but the way our bodies work and why the sky is blue. Without scientists, illnesses would go untreated, and we might think that we can float in the air, among many other dire consequences!

As you can probably imagine, Science English is very technical in nature and is almost a language in its own right, with 1,150 word elements alone! These can be very tricky for those outside of the industry to master, and especially so for those who are learning English as a second language. With over three quarters of the world’s science papers being written in English, it is crucial that this barrier is overcome.

The complexity of Science English is best symbolised by the fact that the longest word in English - at 45 letters long - is a medical term relating to a form of lung disease. No doubt you are wondering what this word is, so let’s share below:


Who is brave enough to try and pronounce it?

You’ll be very relieved to know that not all Science English is like this. Below, we have listed some more common terms used by Scientists on a daily basis. Can you match the word to the definition?

Our bespoke courses can help Science professionals around the world who speak English as a second language feel more confident with the terms they use for their work. We have achieved this by collaborating with some of those at the forefront of the Science industry, and gathering key insights. Follow our blog to keep updated on how we’re supporting companies to maximise their opportunities through developing their Science-Business English, read more about our courses or contact us for a tailor-made course for your company.


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