An Overview of Tech English


Claims that ‘data is the new oil’, that Artificial Intelligence is going to revolutionise the way we live, and fears about cyber security - the tech world is never boring! In this blog, we keep you updated with the latest industry insights, and what this means for business English requirements. Follow our blog to hear about the latest developments along with insights from industry experts.

The tech industry is broad, wide reaching and ever changing. Had we written this blog for example 20+ years ago, at the turn of the century, we would have been writing about very different developments. Traditionally, people associate ‘tech’ with IT - the hardware or software used day-to-day at the office. In fact - from the office to booking holidays to children’s homework - it is almost a certainty that everyone will have used IT at some point in their lives.

Current market trends.

This fast-moving sector has seen several new emerging trends over recent years:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is the use of technology to create informed computer systems which seek to think like a human. This can encompass everything from self-driving cars, to ‘chatbots’ to support in customer service. In this blog, we speak to new and innovative companies using AI to revolutionise their industries.

  • Cyber security. Businesses rely on heavily on technology, any disruption to this technology or loss of data can be catastrophic for a business. Cyber security to protect companies from disruption and cyber attacks is therefore becoming increasingly important.

  • New ways to make payments. “Would you like to pay cash or card?” was the line uttered for so many years, with a purse of crisp notes being used to pay for groceries and day-to-day shops. Now however, there are many new ways to make payments - contactless, mobile wallets, and even facial/voice recognition are just a few of the many new ways to pay.

A truly global industry.

The “World Population Review” identified the top countries for technological expertise as follows:

  • China - a growing tech hub and a major manufacturer, many of the world’s leading tech companies have a presence in China. Our blog will cover exciting developments such as the Greater Bay Initiative.

  • United States - home to many of the tech giants (such as Google and Microsoft), the US has long been established as a leader in the field of technology.

  • The UK due to its focus on research & development, along with the fact it is home to some of the world’s leading universities.

  • Japan, South Korea and Germany were also identified.

The global tech industry is currently worth a staggering $5.2 trillion. The approximate breakdown of the market is: North America (35%), Asia (32%) and Europe (22%). With such high numbers and such a global spread, clear communication is absolutely key.

Tech English contains a lot of technical terms. How good is your knowledge of tech English key terms? Can you match the right definitions to the right terms in our quiz below?

Communication Challenges.

Whether it is a start-up seeking investment, researchers looking to share ideas, a supply chain based in another country, a technology company looking to reach a global market, or a merger/acquisition by a US (or other English-speaking country) based company, the challenges of communicating across continents must be overcome. Language skills, different dialects and accents can all add to the challenge, and we support businesses to overcome these.

To ensure that our Tech English learning content is relevant and meets high standards, we have collaborated with a range of senior professionals for their insights into the sector. Follow our blog to keep updated on how we’re supporting companies to maximise their opportunities through developing their Tech-Business English, read more about our courses or contact us for a tailor-made course for your company.


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