“English has helped me to better communicate abroad” - Victor, Hong Kong

Today we hear from Victor Wong. Victor was born and grew up in Hong Kong, where he learned English at school and graduated from University with a joint Bachelors degree in Politics and Economics. He now works in the technology sector and has worked internationally- in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Mumbai, and now plans to move to Reading, UK. He has also travelled extensively across Asia and Africa. Here, Victor tells us about his experience of Business English.

When did you start learning English? How did you learn?

Like most people in Hong Kong, English lessons started in Kindergarten. Learning was more 'book-orientated' and not very practical, with limited chances to practise. Usually, we would spend an hour each day listening to English, but not actually getting speaking practise. Sometimes, we would use our mother tongue to help our learning and understanding. When I look back, I don't think this was a very good basic English learning experience.

Why do you think Business English is important for international professionals to learn?

There are many good reasons- I think mostly for better communication. Business communication is different to casual, daily communication- the relationships and the environment are different. It is important to understand cultural differences in daily and business communication.

How has speaking English helped you?

For me, it has helped me to better communicate and express myself when I have travelled and worked abroad. English has always been a good medium because it is so widely used. Speaking English helped me in expanding my network, securing new opportunities, and making new friends. I’m now about to move to a new environment/country, so I believe speaking better English will help me to adapt to a new culture, and to start a new career/life!

How will Business English help you with your future career goals?

I really look forward to learning Business English. Not only will it improve job opportunities, it will also help in terms of sounding more professional, understanding how to make use of a common language to work together together with teams, and to take me to the next level of communicating with colleagues.


“I improved in an immersive environment” - Adrian, Madrid