“I improved in an immersive environment” - Adrian, Madrid

Today, we hear from Adrian. Adrian is a Madrid-based Economist. He has lived, worked and studied internationally in Algeria, China and the USA. Here, he tells us about his English journey.

When did you start learning English? How did you learn?

I started to learn English when I was in primary school (around 6-7 years old), but I wasn’t very good at it! I started to really improve when I moved to the US and spent a year there studying in an environment of immersive English speakers.

How has speaking English helped you in business?

Speaking English has helped me a lot. Almost all the places where I’ve worked have required a good English level. My career would not have been possible without English.

What have been the benefits to you personally - in business and job opportunities?

Speaking English has been very important, not only for my job opportunities but it was also required for my Masters and it has been very important for travelling abroad.


“Immersion in English is the best way to learn the language” - Matias, Argentina


“English has helped me to better communicate abroad” - Victor, Hong Kong