Modern Security

Visitors to the Tower today can see symbols of its past all over. Two of the most iconic of these, are Beefeaters and ravens.

‘Beefeaters’ are the nickname of the Yeoman Warders who have been guarding the Tower for almost 600 years, following the order of King Henry VIII. They must have had 22 years of military service to be eligible for the role, and can be recognised by their distinctive uniforms, which are either the traditional red or gold, or the dark blue of more recent centuries.

There have been at least six ravens at the Tower at any given time for at least the past two hundred years. There is a long-standing belief that these large, black birds protect the Tower, and that if they ever flew away, both the Crown and the nation would suffer. Even today, the Yeoman Warders continue to take care of the ravens and ensure that they are fed. The ravens usually live for around 40 years though it has been known for some ravens of the past to misbehave and be dismissed from their duties at the Tower.

You will see the Tower of London on the walk during our London Daytrip.


Imprisonment and Execution