“English has allowed us more international opportunities” - Francisco, Malaga

Francisco is based in Andalusia, Spain, where he runs an agricultural and property business. We hear from him about the international opportunities that knowledge of Business English has created…

When did you start learning English? How did you learn?

I started learning at school, I also attended classes at an English school in my city. But really, the big step forward was with a fully immersive course in Brighton when I finished university. Since then, I have tried to attend short English courses to keep improving. Immersive courses have been key to me developing my English to a point where I can operate in English.

How has speaking English helped you in your business and career?

In many ways, it was speaking English that got my career started. I landed opportunities in Delhi and Mumbai, where I worked with colleagues from all over the world. Since then, it has been a great help in setting up my own business. It has allowed me to deal with clients and suppliers from anywhere in the world. Our clients are from across Europe and further afield and so it really has opened up new opportunities which would not have been possible otherwise.

What are the benefits when your team speaks English?

It really is the best way to increase opportunities for business on a global scale. Fewer barriers to reaching new clients, a chance to work with international people. It really is where the opportunities are.


Kristy - Hong Kong


“It has been useful that everyone communicates in a central language” - Alicia, Hong Kong