“It has been useful that everyone communicates in a central language” - Alicia, Hong Kong

Alicia is originally from New Jersey, USA, and now runs a busy bar in Central Hong Kong. She manages a team of people, and her bar attracts a range of customers from around the world. We hear from Alicia on why knowledge of Business English has been important for her team…

How important is it to you that your team speak English? What are the benefits?

My business is based in Central Hong Kong, an international hub, with people coming from all over the globe but generally speaking one common language, English. It is very important for my staff to be comfortable speaking in English as well as having good reading and listening skills in English. I operate a live music bar called the Aftermath where our guests are very casual, so my staff need to understand English colloquial speak too. Plus we have staff from Nepal, the Philippines, United Kingdom, India, USA and Hong Kong. So it has been super useful that everyone can communicate clearly in English as a central language.

What is the impact on their job opportunities?

Having not only English speaking skills but also very good writing skills is helpful for elevating to management, since there are more administration tasks involved and a need to explain ideas in structured ways during meetings.

What advice would you give to companies considering Business English training for their team?

I would highly advise making an investment in Business English training for staff development.


“English has allowed us more international opportunities” - Francisco, Malaga