Sixteen Royal Weddings

In addition to the high profile burials and the coronations of various monarchs, there have been a number of Royal weddings which have taken place at Westminster Abbey. The first took place in the year 1100, when Henry I married Princess Matilda of Scotland.

In 1947, the current Queen Elizabeth II wed the late Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten - also known as Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh - in a post-war Britain still heavily reliant on rations. Thirteen years later, it was the turn of her sister Margaret, whose marriage to Antony Armstrong-Jones was the first to be televised.

One of the most iconic Royal Weddings was also the most recent, when Prince William married Kate Middleton in April 2011. The ceremony was broadcast worldwide and is said to have attracted somewhere in the region of 162 million viewers.

It is fair to say that even if you have not visited Westminster Abbey, you will have seen images of it at some point, and if you join our London Daytrip you will have an opportunity to make those images and scenes come to life.


‘Britain’s Valhalla’